Little Girl Lost

I was so pleased when Pamela Bob agreed to come onto the show to review an episode but what I was REALLY happy about was when we agreed to review Little Girl Lost! To those who might be living under a rock, Pamela Bob is the writer, creater and star of a web series entitled, Livin’ on a Prairie which is an award winning, 6 episodic short comedy with a certain Little House on the Prairie twist! Take my advice, look it up because you will LOVE IT!
I hope you enjoy this episode because Pamela and I were laughing and nearly crying throughout.
Little Girl Lost originally aired on October 18, 1976
Learn all about Pamela’s web series, Living’ on a Prairie here
The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.
Check them out at: