PodcastWalnut GroveCast

40th Anniversary of The Halloween Dream

Walnut GroveCast
Walnut GroveCast
40th Anniversary of The Halloween Dream

Episode 66

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Happy Halloween Everyone!
Today I decided to release this brand new episode on its 40th anniversary, yes, the episode, The Halloween Dream aired 40 years ago today on October 29, 1979! According to IMDB this episode is “Often cited by fans and critics as being the worst and/or least popular episode in the series”.

Although it might have been a little bit off the rails, so to speak I think Chris Hasler and I had a blast discussing it, I hope you enjoy it too.

“On Halloween, Albert has a dream where he and Laura are kidnapped by a rogue Indian tribe after they are mistaken as members of a rival tribe.”

If you would like to hear more from Mark head over the http://www.vhsrewind.com or subscribe to his podcast by clicking here

The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.
Check them out at:

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