May We Make Them Proud Parts I and II

Kelly Mielke joins me to tackle this massive two-parter! It was Kelly’s first day on maternity leave and I can’t thank her enough for taking the time to record this. There are so many ups and downs in this episode so please watch this tragic episode and laugh along with us!
“Albert experiments with smoking in the basement of the School For the Blind and, when shooed out of the basement, hides the still-lit pipe in some cloths. The pipes ignite and result in a late-night fire that kills Alice Garvey and Mary’s baby son. As a result, several people struggle with the consequences: Albert becomes completely withdrawn when he learns his careless actions may have caused the fire, Mary in deep shock and Jonathan Garvey in an alcohol-induced state of denial.”
May We Make Them Proud: Parts I & II originally aired on February 4, 1980
The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.
Check them out at: