An Interview with Historian Sarah Uthoff from Trundlebed Tales

Episode 115
I hope you enjoy this interview I did with Sarah Uthoff who is the host of Trundlebed Tales! Sarah was amazing and although we had some serious audio glitches, we got through it and she will be returning with clearer audio in the near future. Her show sounds better than this so don’t hold that against her! We discuss all things Laura Ingalls Wilder and even discuss how because of Rose Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilders’ notes are all being preserved beautifully in a Presidential Library!
Please check out Sarah’s amazing work and radio show!
If you would like to hear more from Mark head over the or subscribe to his other podcast, Unsolved Mysteries Rewind by clicking here
The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.
Check them out at: