Must ListenWalnut GroveCast

Make a Joyful Noise

Walnut GroveCast
Walnut GroveCast
Make a Joyful Noise

Christy Havey returns to the podcast to discuss this beloved episode where Joe Kagan works up the courage to court Hester Sue, and learns she plans to marry an undertaker.  Joe also works with one of the blind school students to build up his courage, Hester Sue is not a big fan of his methods but in the end, Joe gets the girl.

This hilarious overview is on imdb, “Joe Kagen moves to Sleepy Eye to assist at the school for the blind. While there he begins to develop feelings for one of Mary’s students.”

Make a Joyful Noise originally aired on January 26, 1981


The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.

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