Whatever Happened to the Class of ’56?

Episode 107
Susan King joins me to discuss this episode where Caroline and Charles stay in a fancy hotel in Milwaukee to attend the Grange Convention and Caroline’s 20th School Reunion! Pa is amazed (and frightened) by an elevator and even punches a guy out for being an abusive jerk! There is a remarkably sweet moment at the end of the episode between Charles and Caroline which you will not want to miss!
Whatever Happened to the Class of ’56? first aired on Monday, January 14, 1980!
I hope you enjoy this episode!
” During a visit to a farmer’s convention in Milwaukee, Charles and Caroline meet up with old school mates. Charles learns that larger farmers are trying to put his small farming friends out of business and urges them to stand up for their profession. Meanwhile, Caroline becomes envious about the financial fortunes of their one-time friends, but she soon learns there’s more to their success stories than meets the eyes. “
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The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.
Check them out at: