Must ListenWalnut GroveCast

Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow: Part One

Walnut GroveCast
Walnut GroveCast
Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow: Part One

Babypalooza has made its’ way to Walnut GroveCast! Kelly Mielke from the Dr. QuinnCast Podcast returns to discuss this intense two parter, we discuss Kelly’s pregnancy (her baby should be here any day now!), how Eliza Jane babies Almanzo and so much more in this long but very worthwhile two parter!  

“The marriage between Almanzo and Laura faces its first stern test when he falls seriously ill with diphtheria and later suffers a crippling stroke. Eliza Jane arrives to help care for her brother, but makes matters worse by babying him.”

Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow: Part One originally aired on February 15, 1982


The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.

Check them out at:

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